Monday, October 10, 2011
Aku ingat lagi, dua tahun aku belajar di Kaherah, selama dua tahun juga aku berurusan dengan sistem mereka. Baik sistem pembelajaran, baik sistem kastam, baik sistem pengurusan, aku dah rasa sedikit sebanyak. Dan aku lihat perbezaan berurusan dengan mereka, lalu aku bandingkan dengan sistem pengurusan di Malaysia. Kalau aku katakan seperti bezanya langit dan bumi mungkin tidaklah keterlaluan.
Paling aku ingat sewaktu memohon visa di pejabat kastam di Dataran Tahrir yang sinonim dengan revolusi anak-anak Nil, 25 januari yang lepas. Keadaan pejabat yang inferior memberi kejutan kerana memang jauh beza dengan pejabat kerajaan di Putrajaya. Kerja-kerja dilakukan oleh mama-mama yang bekerja dengan tekun terutamanya waktu pagi. Kalau urusan dilakukan di kala petang mungkin mood mama-mama tersebut terikut-ikut
dengan suasana pejabat, serabut.
Untuk pengetahuan, kerja-kerja ini dilakukan oleh mama-mama arab ini secara manual, bahkan satu komputer pun tidak saya dapat lihat berdasarkan pemerhatian saya. Melihat fail-fail, kertas-kertas yang bertimbun, sudah tentu kita dapat mengagak kadar kerja yang dilakukan oleh mama-mama arab ini tidaklah sepantas mana.
Jadi, pemohon-pemohon visa yang jenis tak tahan tunggu lama-lama pastinya merungut. Kenapa lambat, tak efisien, ramai orang menunggu dan bagai-bagai lagi. Kenapa tiada sistem berkomputer digunakan?
Ya, sistem bekerja bersama-sama dengan teknologi bukan benda yang baru lagi di tanahair kita.
Keberkesanan teknologi bukan sahaja meningkatkan produktiviti dan efisiensi, bahkan dunia kita, alam sekitar
kita akan lebih terjaga dengan sikap kesedaran kita untuk menjadi lebih celik.
Hutan-hutan di serata dunia sudah banyak ditebang untuk menghasilkan kertas demi memnuhi keperluan kita. Sedangkan teknologi untuk menghasilkan dokumen dan menyimpan data sudah wujud. Tetapi, apa yang terjadi, lihat di pejabat, dokumen di komputer dicetak di kertas -kertas A4. Makin maju hidup, makin kita menggunakan banyak kertas!
Jadi, di mana kita boleh mengurangkan penggunaan kertas?
Di sekolah buku teks, buku latihan, kertas peperiksaan, buku nota boleh didigitalkan. Berikan kepada pelajar-pelajar kita notebook. Paling cikai pun bolehlaa, kawan saya ada terima netbook kecil secara percuma tapi sebab apa saya lupa.
Hadkan penggunaan kertas di tempat kerja kepada perkara-perkara yang memerlukan ketelitian seperti blueprint, ini mungkin sudah dilaksanakan.
Hapuskan sistem akhbar kertas, laporkan melalui online. Majalah pun sama. Yang baca surat khabar kertas ni kebanyakannya yang tak berapa celik siber, jadi celikkan mereka ini, kurangkan baca akhbar kertas. Paper pun banyak isi mengarut je sejak menjak ni.
Banyakkan notebook, netbook, ebook reader di pasaran dengan harga di takat kemampuan orang ramai. Ebook reader paling hampir kat Malaysia ni bentuk tablet; Kindle, sony punya tak sampai lagi.
Banyak yang kita boleh lakukan untuk menyelamatkan dunia, cuma kita yang tak berapa nak celik terhadap opsyen yang ada, ego manusia yang kecil ni menutup mata kita.
Jadi, kurang-kurangkan ego, berfikirlah demi menyelamatkan Dear Mother Earth.
(Entry ditulis berdasarkan ide daripada buku tertangkapnya sa-ekor toyo, buku oleh hisham rais. Ide juga ditokok-tambah oleh ide penulis yang tak seberapa)
Monday, September 26, 2011
"Eh Abu, tadi aku tengok dekat Facebook ko bukan main ligat lagi bersembang dengan si Peah tu kat Wall dia. Ada apa-apa ke?
"Eh eh kau ni Karim, sibuk! Aku nak pasang-pasang dengan dia pun tak senang kau tahu. hah, kau ni pulak haritu aku nampak Mak Cik Senah kau tu post gambar kucing bunting dia. Dah beranak belum kucing tu?
"Eh eh kau ni Abu, Mak Cik Senah aku tu duduk dekat Ukraine pun ko tau ye ade kucing. Tapi kalau tak silap aku, Bobo sang kucing tu jantan. Dahlah jantan, kena kasi pulak tu!"
"Ye ke?! Dah lah tak boleh bunting, tak boleh membuntingkan kucing lain pulak tu!"
Sejak dua menjak ni orang banyak merungut, Facebook baru ni menyusahkan la, kacau privacy la, nak sembang tak senang la. Betul la, Facebook ni dah macam bak orang putih kata 'enforced eavesdropping' Lagi-lagi dekat dia punya ticker dekat belah kanan atas tu.
Let me tell you something, when you do something on Facebook (posting comment, pics etc) anda secara tidak sedar telah mendedahkan sesuatu yang seharusnya anda sendiri yang bertanggung jawab.
For me its simple, kalau kau yakin yang muka kau tebal dan tak malu dengan apa yang kau post , kau jenis yang bersembang tak ingat dunia mahupun orang lain, kau sanggup bertanggungjawab dengan either seen or unforeseen consequences, maka kau letaklah apa jenis gambar kau camwhore dan sembanglah macam haram sekalipun dekat wall orang lain dalam facebook.
Kalau kau ni jenis yang malu-malu nak letak gambar, jenis yang dah cukup gembira bila kawan-kawan dunia maya kau cecah ribu-riban tapi haram nak buat sembang, jenis yang tak suka privasi diprovok maka letaklah gambar-gambar I LUV ISLAM, sembang dekat inbox atau terus tutup akaun Facebook dan pergi tolong mak kau kat dapur.
Kadang ada gak spesis yang terlampau bebal, kadang benda benda P&C pun boleh sembang kat Facebook. Sekali kena hack tak haru-biru namanya. Ingat, tak ada benda yang private kat dalam dunia Internet ni. Kau letak gambar kau posing pelik-pelik, tau-tau nanti dah ada kat Failblog.
Tapi tak semua buruk. Kita kena ingat yang revolusi-revolusi yang berlaku kat tanah arab sekarang ni hanya dapat dijalankan secara underground dalam dunia maya. Anak-anak muda yang inginkan perubahan, anak-anak muda yang celik IT sahaja yang mampu menggerakkan ini semua. Bukan makcik-makcik Felda ye.
Tengok sini
Thursday, September 22, 2011
car-free, anyone?
Yesterday was the Car-Free day. And i found out that everybody around the world is celebrating by commuting to their workplace by mass transporting,walking or cycling. And yet i found out that this day are irrelevant by myself. Why?
- I am a non-working,basement dwelling,socially introvert person and my solely activity for now is mengabihkan karan kat rumah mak aku.
- The public transport system in Malaysia doesnt had enough coverage especially in those suburbs like where am living currently. Even buses and taxi are not present in this small village at the very end of Selangor. My dad almost daily went to work by motorbike to save some gas money.
- Yeah i admit it, Malaysian public transport are crappy. Even for me whom rarely leaves home going to KL sometimes, I can say that. The fare itself is one thing that we can tolerate, the reliability is the one that needed to be revised. I dont think that ERL and LRT had any problem with this, but the KTM yeah youll need shitload of perserverance especially my pals that are based on Serdang and UKM areas.
And what can we do about this? Basically i think that Malayians need a new mindset. You dont need to ride your motors or drive to buy some kicap or telurs at the shop in the radius of 1km near you. Even Pakciks who went to suraus drive themselves there. Padahal satu taman je.
The government too need to revise the transport system in Malaysia. And yeah maybe those systems are integrated but the companies are privatized. So the fare will be different. Do it like Hong Kong with their MRTs. Efficient as hell. Or be like Egypt even. Go anywhere with the same fare of 1 pound but still efficient enough for me. Diorang siap nak tambah lagi dua line, berbanding 3 line yang ada sekarang. Maksudnya dia orang still mendapat keuntungan walaupun dengan tambang yang murah gila. Baru orang lain nak naik public transport.
Honestly la, ketiadaan orang yang membaca blog ini memberikan perasaan seolah-olah asa aku diputus-putuskan. Dah tu nak buat macamana, Im just a sore loser. Main Fifa 12 professional pun kalah. Oh well mungkin takde ide. Or... is it just writing that doesnt suit me?
Anyway, maybe ill just write whenever i feel like i wanna write, like now maybe?
Oh yeah mentioning about fifa 12, yeah i reckon its a great game, but because i have no working controller so its a bit hard, plus my laptop keyboard has some kind of self-lock whenever i press certain keys adjacent to each other. Yeah, hard to do cross when I move diagonally, nah mean?
Got another month left in Marehsia, so am trying to memanfaatkan cuti yang ada. am currently doing a lot of reading, since i know that when my study resumes i couldnt afford reading anymore, for :
Anyway, maybe ill just write whenever i feel like i wanna write, like now maybe?
Oh yeah mentioning about fifa 12, yeah i reckon its a great game, but because i have no working controller so its a bit hard, plus my laptop keyboard has some kind of self-lock whenever i press certain keys adjacent to each other. Yeah, hard to do cross when I move diagonally, nah mean?
Got another month left in Marehsia, so am trying to memanfaatkan cuti yang ada. am currently doing a lot of reading, since i know that when my study resumes i couldnt afford reading anymore, for :
- Reading for me takes time and a lot of focusing, at least for me. So, got no time.
- Got a lot more other important stuff to read, those goddamned med books are gonna be my darling for the next year.
- Cannot read during rest time. Resting from reading by reading? Nope.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hey hey. Well am just finished biochemistry paper and im happily lying on my bed after devouring half of chicken. Well, not that happy. Im actually quite unsatisfied with the way i answered my paper. The question was quite easy, but yeah again if you didnt know and didnt study well then waste is all you will get. And I could say that about 20% of the topics that had been asked in the paper is the topics that I didnt study well. Well I chose not to study well. My laziness and lack of diligence cost me quite some marks.
For this biochemistry exam I used two options of studying. Either you use department books, or you could use notes that the lecturer made. Or both. Those notes, they were handwritten. So studying with it could be really an eyesore. But the notes are good tho, compact and easily understandable for a slowpoke like me. For now I am regretting because didnt studying using the note from the early semester for I think I can have better understanding of biochemistry earlier. Yeah great, Mr Hindsight.
There was some guy whom sat next to me asks me what question i couldnt answer. Yeah I had one question that haunts me from the start of examination. And I hate copying and copiers. But what can i do,honesty is meaningless in this world nowadays. Hatefully I showed him what I couldnt answer. And then he asks me questions that he himself couldnt answer. So that was his intention really. And then again Im helplessly showed him my paper. And he was not-so-smart copier that i thought he is. Kepala macam bangau, copy bulat-bulat.
oh and lately my computer was infected by virus. It was suspected that my laptop was infected when I was doing some high intense gaming. After a few rounds of FIFA 11 or CS it suddenly shuts itself down. Overheating was one of the suspected culprit, but later investigations by my pal founds out that something keeps my CPU running full 90% even when idle. Tasks manager reveals that the thing was powermgr.exe. well then i deleted that exe and everything comes fine again. No wonder la when I play Black Ops pun sangkut-sangkut. Anybody that have an idea about this virus and its manifestations, do tell me! Off to me gaming bench!
For this biochemistry exam I used two options of studying. Either you use department books, or you could use notes that the lecturer made. Or both. Those notes, they were handwritten. So studying with it could be really an eyesore. But the notes are good tho, compact and easily understandable for a slowpoke like me. For now I am regretting because didnt studying using the note from the early semester for I think I can have better understanding of biochemistry earlier. Yeah great, Mr Hindsight.
There was some guy whom sat next to me asks me what question i couldnt answer. Yeah I had one question that haunts me from the start of examination. And I hate copying and copiers. But what can i do,honesty is meaningless in this world nowadays. Hatefully I showed him what I couldnt answer. And then he asks me questions that he himself couldnt answer. So that was his intention really. And then again Im helplessly showed him my paper. And he was not-so-smart copier that i thought he is. Kepala macam bangau, copy bulat-bulat.
oh and lately my computer was infected by virus. It was suspected that my laptop was infected when I was doing some high intense gaming. After a few rounds of FIFA 11 or CS it suddenly shuts itself down. Overheating was one of the suspected culprit, but later investigations by my pal founds out that something keeps my CPU running full 90% even when idle. Tasks manager reveals that the thing was powermgr.exe. well then i deleted that exe and everything comes fine again. No wonder la when I play Black Ops pun sangkut-sangkut. Anybody that have an idea about this virus and its manifestations, do tell me! Off to me gaming bench!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
survival of the fittest
Well yeah ive been bored again. Kicked ball around the house, skipping rope a few minutes. Shoot some other people's arses in CS. Yet still all those thing couldnt let go off boredom inside me. The summer has yet to kick in but the heat is getting intolerable, so am feeling mighty lazy to get out of my house. Man how am I going to survive the incoming Ramadan.
Alright then. Now you know, i thought that writing something up is going to be my last resort to overcome my boredom. Good thing I didnt deactivate this rusty old blog of mine. So, today I had my physiology written exam. 65 marks for MCQ's and another 65 for short essays. Wasnt that hard... if you studied well tee hee. I have this kind of phenomenon when facing any kind of examination paper, and I could even bet that everybody had experience this thing also. Well you know already what the question want, and you know what you should be answering but still you have no idea what the hell you blurted onto the answer sheet. And so there goes all merapu answers and I wrote whatever I could link between the facts available from a full week of studying and whatnot. Still targeting for a good pass for this one though.
Well its not that I dont know how to enjoy meself when it comes to boredom. I have a full storage of movies, good games, and 4Mbps internet speed. I just wanna try to control my sense for entertainment for two reasons; firstly it is because of the tests Im having now, and secondly Im saving up all the unseen movies for the upcoming summer break. In the absence of classes and lectures for sure it is going to be a hell of boredom. My budget is a bit tight for now so I dont think that Im going to afford to go somewhere else. Yeah man, controlling what you eat isnt cheap.
So any suggestions to kill this boredom guys? Sorry for grammar freaks out there, am kinda bummed out here. Jerawat pun dah naik. Haish.
Alright then. Now you know, i thought that writing something up is going to be my last resort to overcome my boredom. Good thing I didnt deactivate this rusty old blog of mine. So, today I had my physiology written exam. 65 marks for MCQ's and another 65 for short essays. Wasnt that hard... if you studied well tee hee. I have this kind of phenomenon when facing any kind of examination paper, and I could even bet that everybody had experience this thing also. Well you know already what the question want, and you know what you should be answering but still you have no idea what the hell you blurted onto the answer sheet. And so there goes all merapu answers and I wrote whatever I could link between the facts available from a full week of studying and whatnot. Still targeting for a good pass for this one though.
Well its not that I dont know how to enjoy meself when it comes to boredom. I have a full storage of movies, good games, and 4Mbps internet speed. I just wanna try to control my sense for entertainment for two reasons; firstly it is because of the tests Im having now, and secondly Im saving up all the unseen movies for the upcoming summer break. In the absence of classes and lectures for sure it is going to be a hell of boredom. My budget is a bit tight for now so I dont think that Im going to afford to go somewhere else. Yeah man, controlling what you eat isnt cheap.
So any suggestions to kill this boredom guys? Sorry for grammar freaks out there, am kinda bummed out here. Jerawat pun dah naik. Haish.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
oo la la
Hi guys. Just dropping by to tell that Im getting really busy this time. Well I am preparing myself for the upcoming exams. So guys by the meantime dont expect any posts from me. Dont even expect anything from me even if I didnt have any examinations anyways. Ha!
Well then, here I present to you what I shall be enduring for the next few weeks.
22/5 - Physiology (practical)
25/5 - Physiology (written practical)
29/5 - Biochemistry (practical)
6/6 - Anatomy (practical)
25/6 - 25/7 will be the written examination for each subject, with oral tests in between. Those are the dates that I roughly remembered. Seemed hard? Nah. Gotta finish at an average 2 books for each subject. Anatomy alone have 5 department books that I had to engulf page to page. Yes I know that Im pretty f*cked up. Just pray for me to have the perseverance to go through all of these with ease. Bubye.
Well then, here I present to you what I shall be enduring for the next few weeks.
22/5 - Physiology (practical)
25/5 - Physiology (written practical)
29/5 - Biochemistry (practical)
6/6 - Anatomy (practical)
25/6 - 25/7 will be the written examination for each subject, with oral tests in between. Those are the dates that I roughly remembered. Seemed hard? Nah. Gotta finish at an average 2 books for each subject. Anatomy alone have 5 department books that I had to engulf page to page. Yes I know that Im pretty f*cked up. Just pray for me to have the perseverance to go through all of these with ease. Bubye.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hiya peeps. Man what a bummer I had today. As you might have known or not, every year the student of Ain Shams University is required to do a presentation for every subject that we studied this year. So far we had done the Psychology and the most recent one is which is today. It was about Physiology Aging and Cardiovascular Health. So then the task was simple enough for me and my group. And usually based on my two year experience as a student there, there will be no strict mark givings. As long as you did the research, the 10 mark will be given. Yes guys 10 marks only. Or maybe more. I just dont give a heck.
But there is a drawback. The research was more like tangkap muat because of no strict marking requirement, this made us procrastinate even more. Buat malas-malas, dah masuk minggu dateline baru nak mula. Then among us the only person that did all the work were merely 2 people, excluding me. Aku memang pemalas. Suruh buat malas, suruh present malas. Suka sangat buat perangai khinzir. If you all used this research paper as a template for your own research for sure it will be rejected mentah-mentah.
By the time to present our research, which happens to be this morning, memang aku menggelabah gila. Even the PPT research file I only checked for 2 pages or so. If the research I didnt participate actively than what the fu*k that I am going to talk to the doctor about? By the time I had arrived at the practical room the presentation had started. Cakap pukul 9, datang setengah jam lambat. Perangai Melayu sejati kau tahu.
I took a peek at the doctor and for sure she looked pretty damn strict i guess. We all took turn for talking about what we have on the research and the doctor seem to ask a lot about this and that. For God sake I am truly dead this time. When my time has come thank god the doctor was already bored by the long explanation. I just talked a little crap and she said Ok Thank You.
Well then that does not seem really hard didnt it? But what made me felt really bad is when the doctor said, what a marvelous cooperation that you people had. By god aku baca menda tu pun 1-2 slide sahaja. If your doing your research paper here then dont worry much, tak perlu semangat-semangat, doctor bukan kisah mana pun. Yes for all you know im an effing douche bag who gets appreciation for what I didnt did. And that didnt made me feel good either.
Well then, wish me the best for the upcoming Physiology exam this Saturday and practical exam for Biochemistry by Sunday.
But there is a drawback. The research was more like tangkap muat because of no strict marking requirement, this made us procrastinate even more. Buat malas-malas, dah masuk minggu dateline baru nak mula. Then among us the only person that did all the work were merely 2 people, excluding me. Aku memang pemalas. Suruh buat malas, suruh present malas. Suka sangat buat perangai khinzir. If you all used this research paper as a template for your own research for sure it will be rejected mentah-mentah.
By the time to present our research, which happens to be this morning, memang aku menggelabah gila. Even the PPT research file I only checked for 2 pages or so. If the research I didnt participate actively than what the fu*k that I am going to talk to the doctor about? By the time I had arrived at the practical room the presentation had started. Cakap pukul 9, datang setengah jam lambat. Perangai Melayu sejati kau tahu.
I took a peek at the doctor and for sure she looked pretty damn strict i guess. We all took turn for talking about what we have on the research and the doctor seem to ask a lot about this and that. For God sake I am truly dead this time. When my time has come thank god the doctor was already bored by the long explanation. I just talked a little crap and she said Ok Thank You.
Well then that does not seem really hard didnt it? But what made me felt really bad is when the doctor said, what a marvelous cooperation that you people had. By god aku baca menda tu pun 1-2 slide sahaja. If your doing your research paper here then dont worry much, tak perlu semangat-semangat, doctor bukan kisah mana pun. Yes for all you know im an effing douche bag who gets appreciation for what I didnt did. And that didnt made me feel good either.
Well then, wish me the best for the upcoming Physiology exam this Saturday and practical exam for Biochemistry by Sunday.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
newfound glory
Hi there guys. Long time no see. Well its been really hard to find myself free time, because as a student myself time were being squeezed, every drop of it from my crappy life. So then, how do you love the new look of this blog? Have a look at the header please! It took me an evening worth of my available Photoshop skill to create this shitty header. The font had been changed also to a smaller one as to look more professional. And FYI, I also changed the url of the blog. Those ditchedinthewildcrappinessandhell is no more. Poyo nak mampos. Estranged la, ape la. Konon macam there was a darker side of me la. Rasa macam nak pegi balik masa dulu lepas tu sula diri sendiri.

Those were the past. Now the url had been changed to Cool name huh? The blog become even more poyo! And for those whom asking, what the hell is sahlab? What the hell is shay?
Those two are among the most famous Egyptian or Middle Eastern's hot beverages. Shay means tea in Arabic; just plain black tea. Sahlab, well, its a type of drink that what I had been searched, had been made from salep flour that came from dried tuber of a type of wild orchid that originates from Turkey and its popularity came throughout Middle East and even reaches England. It is then brewed with hot milk and sugar, and garnished with nuts, dried coconuts and sultanas, just the same as the one that are shown on the header. These two drinks are available at any coffee house throughout Egypt. A must have if watching football with your peer!
So why did I chose the name of drinks as the name of my blog? Well as a keen blog reader you people might have come across great blogs that named after drinks. Blog as Milo suam, teh tarik gelas besar, tukar tiub, they all had famous Malaysian drink as their title. So why would I want to miss out the fab of naming blog after drinks?LOL
And I even can bet that you people are asking why of the sudden I came out of the darkness and start to write again. Well there are several reason that i can give.
First, I have started to change my habit. No more procrastinating. I want every little thing that I did are meaningful and made me gain something which a friend of mine called life skills, as in soft skills. Ball juggling, Rubik Cube, playing piano, sewing, writing - it all adds up to something. I dont know. Maybe very useful if you want to impress somebody as lame as myself.
Second, I am really thwarted by the unseen challenge that my housemate has opposed. All of them have been started blogging. For all you know they all started to make name for themselves too. Some of them are even getting laid also! #akutakdeawekdowh Ha! Being challenged and overwhelmed by the motivation I started where I left off for the past 6 month and made some alteration. So hope for more sad and hopeless posts you guys! If you want to, you could check out the link to their blog at the sidebar here.
Ok guys its been late in the evening. Do leave some uplifting comments or suggestions. Gotta get to the workout bench now!

Those were the past. Now the url had been changed to Cool name huh? The blog become even more poyo! And for those whom asking, what the hell is sahlab? What the hell is shay?
Those two are among the most famous Egyptian or Middle Eastern's hot beverages. Shay means tea in Arabic; just plain black tea. Sahlab, well, its a type of drink that what I had been searched, had been made from salep flour that came from dried tuber of a type of wild orchid that originates from Turkey and its popularity came throughout Middle East and even reaches England. It is then brewed with hot milk and sugar, and garnished with nuts, dried coconuts and sultanas, just the same as the one that are shown on the header. These two drinks are available at any coffee house throughout Egypt. A must have if watching football with your peer!
So why did I chose the name of drinks as the name of my blog? Well as a keen blog reader you people might have come across great blogs that named after drinks. Blog as Milo suam, teh tarik gelas besar, tukar tiub, they all had famous Malaysian drink as their title. So why would I want to miss out the fab of naming blog after drinks?LOL
And I even can bet that you people are asking why of the sudden I came out of the darkness and start to write again. Well there are several reason that i can give.
First, I have started to change my habit. No more procrastinating. I want every little thing that I did are meaningful and made me gain something which a friend of mine called life skills, as in soft skills. Ball juggling, Rubik Cube, playing piano, sewing, writing - it all adds up to something. I dont know. Maybe very useful if you want to impress somebody as lame as myself.
Second, I am really thwarted by the unseen challenge that my housemate has opposed. All of them have been started blogging. For all you know they all started to make name for themselves too. Some of them are even getting laid also! #akutakdeawekdowh Ha! Being challenged and overwhelmed by the motivation I started where I left off for the past 6 month and made some alteration. So hope for more sad and hopeless posts you guys! If you want to, you could check out the link to their blog at the sidebar here.
Ok guys its been late in the evening. Do leave some uplifting comments or suggestions. Gotta get to the workout bench now!
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