Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hari Rabu, pergi membuka akaun HSBC, demi kehendak pihak JAIS, dan demi keperluan kehendak aku di Egypt. Tak tau kenapa aku lebih suka menggelar Mesir sebagai Egypt, walhal bendanya sama je. Mungkin lebih cool.

Anyway, back to the story. Went to the nearest branch in Seremban. I was brought to a Chinese woman, whom arranged all my account setup. Everything went excellent. Suddenly the clerk asked me something.

Mr Ahmad, have you registered for any insurance policy?

And after I said no, it's became a little bit complicated for me. Equity, riders, benefits-it seems to make no sense for my kiddie brain. A lot of signings, mind-boggling banking jargons, and broken English all the way around make me feel all jumbled up.

Called ayah, and he said no-just open an account and let's scram!

So, that's all. Then I went for their ATM, and activates my account. Good, it's working fine. As I'm about to leave, I forgot to ask for bank statement. Too lazy to print 'em up myself.

Hey Miss, could you print the bank statement for me?

I'm here-I mean there-already, so just ask them for it. Then something arose.

Err, Mister, Why'd your'e account still have nothing in it? Did the activation works well?

Yeah, sure it's gotten well, so wha-

Suddenly, I feel stupid. I quickly took out my wallet, and there it is - the RM250 I withdrawed to open up an international banking account. Jackass. I just couldn't stop laughing, and apologizing, and feel like a dumbo. Macam mana boleh terlupa nak masukkan duit tu dekat dalam akaun baru tu. nasib baik aku tak belah lagi dari situ, kalau tak sampai bila la tak aktif akaun aku tu.

Conclusion? Don't act macho 'cause they'll make you look stupid.