Tuesday, April 28, 2009



Whoa..its been a while since ive leavin this bloggin world...nak kata busy, x de la sibok mane pon...just d laziness yg menyelubungi diri...

Actually I have nothing came across my mind... nothing special 4 me 2 write upon...aku terasa nak tulih balik ni p0n sbb ad plak yg mmuji ak nye writing...hahaha tergelak sengsorang ak..
Sebenanye memuji, cheering, giving away compliments; it's d only thing someone needs 2 be re-spirited n 2 keep moving on... but don't too much... otherwise jadik riak plak...ha.

Still, no ideas.

Sebenanye, i'm really worried about my future. Unlike my peers (Did I have any?), they already having they own vision, the "pre-cognition" about what they're goin 2 be in their life. But me, still di takuk yang lama, still katak di bawah tempurung, still the average Joe. Someone had said, that without risks, unable to think outside of ur box, not grabbing any chances; u'll be a dull person, nothing special. U'll be in this world just 2 crumping up the already crumpy, demanding world.

What more can I say? I'm a type of person that hates 2 see changes. I hate 2 see changing things, changing persons, even the change of myself. I always hate 2 be a grown-up. Everythings hard. For now I've just realized that I'd rather be schoolkids than being an adult; life couldn't be any easier than that. Didn't have to worry for the world outside, just need to have fun learning with ur pals. Even ur dosa is burdened above ur parent.( haha nasty).

The point is, just grab any chance that coming 2 u. It's hard nowadays, in this competitive era; for chances coming at u like rolling logs. Keep waiting, and its just like menunggu ayam jantan bertelur. You've only got one, only one short life, so live it 2 the fullest...

-nothing extravagant-

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